Personal Information Protection Policy
Established: April 1, 2017
Last Revision: October 1, 2023
Junnosuke Hayashi,
President & CEO,
Zenken Corporation
Zenken Corporation (hereinafter “Zenken”) holds as its corporate mission “leveraging extensive experience from IT strategy consulting to educational services, we create a future that does not exist”.
Zenken, to achieve its corporate mission, swears to strictly adhere to all applicable legal and industry standards, and to uphold generally accepted social norms through maintenance of high standards of ethics, propriety and morality in all activities and operations.
Zenken, fully aware of the importance of safeguarding personal information, establishes and abides by the following policy governing the protection and handling of all personal information in its possession.
- Zenken, in addition to implementing companywide employee education efforts aimed at protecting and safeguarding the personal information of individuals (hereinafter “personal information”), shall name a Personal Information Protection Manager for each department to properly manage personal information affairs.
- Zenken shall make clear the purpose for which personal information acquired is utilized and shall craft measures to ensure that the use of personal information is limited exclusively to a range deemed proper and necessary for achieving said explicit purposes.
- Zenken shall handle personal information in strict adherence to all national and municipal laws, standards, rules, codes and guidelines pertaining to the protection and handling of personal information as established by administrative agencies under which Zenken is governed or associated.
- Zenken shall craft safety measures for managing personal information, and endeavor on an ongoing basis to continually safeguard and improve security protecting personal information so as to prevent personal information from leakage, loss or destruction, and shall establish internal regulations for rational mitigation of such risks.
- For complaints or consultations pertaining to the handling of personal information, or for requests for disclosure of personal information and other such uses to which Zenken is authorized to comply, Zenken shall respond in a timely and appropriate fashion through its “Personal Information Complaints and Inquiries Desk.”
- With regards to the protection of our Customers’ personal information, Zenken, in compliance with the relevant laws and standards, has introduced and is constantly improving upon a personal information management system, which includes the above Privacy Policy.
【Personal Information Complaints and Inquiries Desk】
Tel: 03-4212-2910
Personal Information Complaints and Inquiries Desk Manager