


When was the company established?
The company was founded on July 14 1978. Please refer to our history page
What is the company's profile?
Please refer to the Company profile
What are the company's business segments?
Please refer to the following pages for each of our business segments.


Where is the company listed?
The Growth Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
What is your stock code?
When is the General Meeting of Shareholders held?
The Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is held in September every year. The date, time and place of the meeting will be announced once it has been decided.
What is your policy on shareholder returns (dividend policy)?
The Company aims to expand its business through investment in growth and at the same time regards the return of profits to shareholders as one of its top management priorities.
The Company's basic policy is to pay dividends from retained earnings on a continuous and stable basis for the time being, based on an annual dividend payout ratio of around 40%, while comprehensively taking into account the performance of each fiscal year, the maintenance of financial soundness and the level of internal reserves required for future business development.
Is there a shareholder benefit plan?
No, we have not introduced a shareholder benefit scheme.


When are the results announced?
Please see the IR calendar.
Where can I find the latest financial results?
You can find the latest financial results and other information in the IR Library.
When is the financial year end?
The financial year ends at the end of June.
Tell me about your past performance
You can find this on the Performance Highlights page.
What is your earnings outlook?
For financial results and other information, please refer to the IR Library.


Where can I make an IR enquiry?
To contact us, please use the Inquiries about IR.